February 13, 2014
China has announced new reporting requirements for Chinese residents including individuals residing in the country for more than a year and corporations registered in China.
The new Foreign Asset Reporting Requirements (FARRs) which came into effect on January 1, 2014 and were announced by the State Administration for Foreign Exchange (SAFE) announced (in Circular 642) revise the "Measures for the Reporting of Statistics on International Receipts and Payments" which were first published in 1995.
The major revisions are:
- Until now, Chinese residents have only been required to report international economic transactions with non-residents. From 1 January 2014, Chinese residents will be required to report their foreign financial assets and liabilities, and all cross-border transactions.
- Wider definition of those that are required to report including:
· Individuals residing in China for over one year;
· Chinese passport holders who have been absent from China for less than one year;
· Entities or corporations that are incorporated in China; and
· Representative offices or branches of foreign institutions such as banks
Failure to comply with the new reporting requirements will result in fines of up to RMB 300,000 for institutions and companies, and RMB 50,000 for individual cases.
These measures resemble the US FATCA and UK FATCA legislation and follow China's signing of OECD's Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.
- 至今,只要求中国居民上报与非中国居民进行的国际经济交易。自2014年1月1日起,将要求中国居民上报其对外金融资产和负债以及所有跨境交易。
- 该报告所要求的内容的更广泛的定义包括:
· 在中国境内居住一年以上的个人;
· 已离开中国一年以内的中国护照持有人;
· 在中国境内注册的机构或公司;和
· 国外机构的代表机构和分支机构,如银行